France: Along with the yellow vests, only one way: make the fight global

The following article was first published as the editorial of workplace bulletins distributed by members of L’Etincelle (The Spark) faction in France.

December 3rd, 2018

Along with the yellow vests, only one way: make the fight global

On Saturday, December 1st, the yellow vests demonstrated once again over the country, targeting symbols of the State, facing the cops, and wreaking havoc in rich neighbourhoods. “I will never tolerate violence” said Macron. But where does the violence come from? From the people who rebel against the high cost of living? Or from the government whose only answer to the yellow vests is to send the cops?

The coffers are not empty for everybody

Macron is being ever more provocative. On the one hand, he “refuses to change course.” There will be no decrease in indirect taxes, no increase in minimum wages or pensions. For his minister Francois de Rugy, “you can’t ask for both a tax decrease, and more investments in public services.” But none of us has forgotten that as soon as he became president, Macron removed the tax on wealth. To please the rich, he chose to write off billions in income. That the tax on wealth be re-established is precisely one of the yellow vests demands.

On the other hand, Macron asks his Interior Minister to step up the repression against demonstrators. And the aforementioned de Rugy, who is the Environment Minister, repeats like a parrot that “safety” is the “major priority.” Macron then goes on the Champs-Elysees avenue to honour the police and drop a symbolic tear in front of the Arc de Triomphe. On this monument, the yellow vests had tagged that they will “triumph.” We can only wish it!

Women, worst paid employees, workers with insecure jobs, youths, retired, all on the front line

It feels like it was a long time ago when the government was trying to scare people off by pretending the yellow vests were manipulated by the far right. Fortunately, the far right is overwhelmed by what has been happening, and by those who participate in the demonstrations: workers of all origins, often in small companies, temporary workers, retired, “micro-entrepreneurs” overexploited by their customers. While anti-tax speeches are part of Le Pen’s usual demagogy, she has never defended employees or the working class. And it is no mistake that she again opposed an increase in minimum wage, which the yellow vests have demanded. Like Macron, this millionaire is on the side of the rich.

The rank and file are getting organised

Macron has invited political party leaders and self-appointed yellow vests “representatives” to meet and confer politely, hoping this will calm things done. But we cannot be fooled by election-focused discussions. We can only count on ourselves to strengthen the movement, make it broader and push it to its full potential by organising ourselves.

We are naught, says he? We shall be all!

So far, the unions have not raised to the challenge. They have not called for a strike and for workers to join the movement. But within the rank and file many unionist and working class militants are not afraid to make the link and bring their own demands. Last Saturday, blocs of union demonstrators fraternised with the yellow vests. High school students also started to mobilise, striking in solidarity, for access to university and against the reform of the baccalaureate.

All together!

The yellow vests have constantly been focused on blocking the economy. We have to be a part of this movement. We must be as many as possible in all the demonstrations. But we also have to block the economy in our workplaces by being on strike.

The yellow vests have shown an example of determination for all workers. All together, let’s use this movement to push for our most basic demands:

Increase purchasing power for all! Repel the tax increases! Immediate increase of wages and pensions! Index wages on prices! Remove all indirect taxes! Share the work between all!


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